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ModuleNonsmoothNode Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ModuleNonsmoothNode:
Collaboration diagram for ModuleNonsmoothNode:

Public Member Functions

 ModuleNonsmoothNode (unsigned uLabel, const DofOwner *pDO, DataManager *pDM, MBDynParser &HP)
virtual ~ModuleNonsmoothNode (void)
virtual unsigned int iGetNumDof (void) const
virtual DofOrder::Order GetDofType (unsigned int) const
virtual void Output (OutputHandler &OH) const
virtual void WorkSpaceDim (integer *piNumRows, integer *piNumCols) const
virtual void AfterPredict (VectorHandler &X, VectorHandler &XP)
virtual void AfterConvergence (const VectorHandler &X, const VectorHandler &XP)
VariableSubMatrixHandlerAssJac (VariableSubMatrixHandler &WorkMat, doublereal dCoef, const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr)
SubVectorHandlerAssRes (SubVectorHandler &WorkVec, doublereal dCoef, const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr)
unsigned int iGetNumPrivData (void) const
int iGetNumConnectedNodes (void) const
void GetConnectedNodes (std::vector< const Node * > &connectedNodes) const
void SetValue (DataManager *pDM, VectorHandler &X, VectorHandler &XP, SimulationEntity::Hints *ph)
std::ostream & Restart (std::ostream &out) const
virtual unsigned int iGetInitialNumDof (void) const
virtual void InitialWorkSpaceDim (integer *piNumRows, integer *piNumCols) const
VariableSubMatrixHandlerInitialAssJac (VariableSubMatrixHandler &WorkMat, const VectorHandler &XCurr)
SubVectorHandlerInitialAssRes (SubVectorHandler &WorkVec, const VectorHandler &XCurr)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Elem
 Elem (unsigned int uL, flag fOut)
virtual ~Elem (void)
virtual std::ostream & DescribeDof (std::ostream &out, const char *prefix="", bool bInitial=false) const
virtual void DescribeDof (std::vector< std::string > &desc, bool bInitial=false, int i=-1) const
virtual std::ostream & DescribeEq (std::ostream &out, const char *prefix="", bool bInitial=false) const
virtual void DescribeEq (std::vector< std::string > &desc, bool bInitial=false, int i=-1) const
virtual void AssMats (VariableSubMatrixHandler &WorkMatA, VariableSubMatrixHandler &WorkMatB, const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr)
virtual bool bInverseDynamics (void) const
void SetInverseDynamicsFlags (unsigned uIDF)
unsigned GetInverseDynamicsFlags (void) const
bool bIsErgonomy (void) const
bool bIsRightHandSide (void) const
virtual VariableSubMatrixHandlerAssJac (VariableSubMatrixHandler &WorkMat, const VectorHandler &XCurr)
virtual SubVectorHandlerAssRes (SubVectorHandler &WorkVec, const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimePrimeCurr, InverseDynamics::Order iOrder=InverseDynamics::INVERSE_DYNAMICS)
virtual int GetNumConnectedNodes (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WithLabel
 WithLabel (unsigned int uL=0, const std::string &sN="")
virtual ~WithLabel (void)
void PutLabel (unsigned int uL)
void PutName (const std::string &sN)
unsigned int GetLabel (void) const
const std::string & GetName (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SimulationEntity
 SimulationEntity (void)
virtual ~SimulationEntity (void)
virtual bool bIsValidIndex (unsigned int i) const
virtual DofOrder::Order GetEqType (unsigned int i) const
virtual HintParseHint (DataManager *pDM, const char *s) const
virtual void BeforePredict (VectorHandler &, VectorHandler &, VectorHandler &, VectorHandler &) const
virtual void Update (const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr)
virtual void DerivativesUpdate (const VectorHandler &XCurr, const VectorHandler &XPrimeCurr)
virtual void Update (const VectorHandler &XCurr, InverseDynamics::Order iOrder)
virtual void AfterConvergence (const VectorHandler &X, const VectorHandler &XP, const VectorHandler &XPP)
virtual unsigned int iGetPrivDataIdx (const char *s) const
virtual doublereal dGetPrivData (unsigned int i) const
virtual std::ostream & OutputAppend (std::ostream &out) const
virtual void ReadInitialState (MBDynParser &HP)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ToBeOutput
 ToBeOutput (flag fOut=fDefaultOut)
virtual ~ToBeOutput (void)
virtual void OutputPrepare (OutputHandler &OH)
virtual void Output (OutputHandler &OH, const VectorHandler &X, const VectorHandler &XP) const
virtual flag fToBeOutput (void) const
virtual bool bToBeOutput (void) const
virtual void SetOutputFlag (flag f=flag(1))
- Public Member Functions inherited from UserDefinedElem
 UserDefinedElem (unsigned uLabel, const DofOwner *pDO)
virtual ~UserDefinedElem (void)
bool NeedsAirProperties (void) const
void NeedsAirProperties (bool yesno)
virtual Elem::Type GetElemType (void) const
virtual AerodynamicElem::Type GetAerodynamicElemType (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from InitialAssemblyElem
 InitialAssemblyElem (unsigned int uL, flag fOut)
virtual ~InitialAssemblyElem (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SubjectToInitialAssembly
 SubjectToInitialAssembly (void)
virtual ~SubjectToInitialAssembly (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AerodynamicElem
 AerodynamicElem (unsigned int uL, const DofOwner *pDO, flag fOut)
virtual ~AerodynamicElem (void)
virtual const InducedVelocitypGetInducedVelocity (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ElemWithDofs
 ElemWithDofs (unsigned int uL, const DofOwner *pDO, flag fOut)
virtual ~ElemWithDofs (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DofOwnerOwner
 DofOwnerOwner (const DofOwner *pDO)
virtual ~DofOwnerOwner ()
virtual const DofOwnerpGetDofOwner (void) const
virtual integer iGetFirstIndex (void) const
virtual void SetInitialValue (VectorHandler &X)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AirPropOwner
 AirPropOwner (void)
virtual ~AirPropOwner (void)
virtual void PutAirProperties (const AirProperties *pAP)
virtual flag fGetAirVelocity (Vec3 &Velocity, const Vec3 &X) const
virtual doublereal dGetAirDensity (const Vec3 &X) const
virtual doublereal dGetAirPressure (const Vec3 &X) const
virtual doublereal dGetAirTemperature (const Vec3 &X) const
virtual doublereal dGetSoundSpeed (const Vec3 &X) const
virtual bool GetAirProps (const Vec3 &X, doublereal &rho, doublereal &c, doublereal &p, doublereal &T) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ElemGravityOwner
 ElemGravityOwner (unsigned int uL, flag fOut)
virtual ~ElemGravityOwner (void)
virtual doublereal dGetM (void) const
Vec3 GetS (void) const
Mat3x3 GetJ (void) const
Vec3 GetB (void) const
Vec3 GetG (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from GravityOwner
 GravityOwner (void)
virtual ~GravityOwner (void)
void PutGravity (const Gravity *pG)
virtual bool bGetGravity (const Vec3 &X, Vec3 &Acc) const

Private Member Functions

void mbs_get_force (NS_subsys &)
void mbs_get_force_frictional (NS_subsys &)

Private Attributes

const DataManagerm_pDM
const StructDispNodem_pNode
NS_subsys NS_data
bool bStepToggle
Vec3 Mu
bool bFrictional
int iIter

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Elem
enum  Type {
- Public Types inherited from SimulationEntity
typedef std::vector< Hint * > Hints
- Public Types inherited from ToBeOutput
- Public Types inherited from AerodynamicElem
enum  Type {
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ElemGravityOwner
virtual Vec3 GetS_int (void) const
virtual Mat3x3 GetJ_int (void) const
virtual Vec3 GetB_int (void) const
virtual Vec3 GetG_int (void) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from WithLabel
unsigned int uLabel
std::string sName
- Protected Attributes inherited from ToBeOutput
flag fOutput
- Protected Attributes inherited from UserDefinedElem
bool needsAirProperties
- Protected Attributes inherited from AirPropOwner
const AirPropertiespAirProperties
- Protected Attributes inherited from GravityOwner

Detailed Description

Definition at line 116 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ModuleNonsmoothNode::ModuleNonsmoothNode ( unsigned  uLabel,
const DofOwner pDO,
DataManager pDM,
MBDynParser HP 

Definition at line 219 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References bFrictional, bIRa(), NS_subsys::bVerbose, c, NS_subsys::constr, NS_subsys::constraint_type, CPG, DriveHandler::dGetTimeStep(), dIPa, dIRa, DataManager::fReadOutput(), NS_subsys::gamma_pred, HighParser::GetInt(), WithLabel::GetLabel(), IncludeParser::GetLineData(), MBDynParser::GetPosRel(), HighParser::GetReal(), MBDynParser::GetRotRel(), StructDispNode::GetVCurr(), StructDispNode::GetXCurr(), HighParser::GetYesNoOrBool(), NS_subsys::hstep, solver_parameters::info, IPa, IRa, IRat, HighParser::IsArg(), HighParser::IsKeyWord(), NS_subsys::iterations, NS_subsys::Lambda_k, NS_subsys::Lambda_kp1, LATIN, LATIN_W, LEXICO_LEMKE, Elem::LOADABLE, m_pDM, m_pNode, NS_subsys::mass_ns, MBDYN_EXCEPT_ARGS, NEWTON_FB, NEWTON_MIN, NS_subsys::niter, NS_subsys::niterLCPmax, NS_subsys::Np, NS_data, NSQP, DataManager::pGetDrvHdl(), PGS, NS_subsys::Piter, POSITION_AND_VELOCITY, POSITION_ONLY, solver_parameters::processed_iterations, PSOR, QP, NS_subsys::radius_ns, DataManager::ReadNode(), FullMatrixHandler::Resize(), solver_parameters::resulting_error, RPGS, ToBeOutput::SetOutputFlag(), NS_subsys::solparam, solver_parameters::solver, solver_parameters::solveritermax, solver_parameters::solvertol, Node::STRUCTURAL, NS_subsys::theta_ts, VELOCITY_ONLY, NS_subsys::Vns_k, NS_subsys::Vns_kp1, NS_subsys::Xns_k, NS_subsys::Xns_kp1, and Zero3.

221 : Elem(uLabel, flag(0)),
222 UserDefinedElem(uLabel, pDO),
223 m_pDM(pDM),
224 m_pNode(0),
225 bStepToggle(false),
226 Mu(::Zero3),
227 bFrictional(false),
228 iIter(0)
229 {
230  NS_data.bVerbose = false;
231  NS_data.niter = 0;
234  // help
235  if (HP.IsKeyWord("help")) {
236  silent_cout(
237 "\n"
238 "Module: nonsmooth-node\n"
239 "Author: Matteo Fancello <matteo.fancello@gmail.com>\n"
240 " Pierangelo Masarati <masarati@aero.polimi.it>\n"
241 "Organization: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale\n"
242 " Politecnico di Milano\n"
243 " http://www.aero.polimi.it/\n"
244 "\n"
245 " All rights reserved\n"
246 "\n"
247 " Defines a unilateral constraint in form of a contact\n"
248 " between a node and one or more planes, optionally with friction.\n"
249 "\n"
250 " # in the \"control data\" block: increase by 1 the count of \"loadable elements\"\n"
251 "\n"
252 " # in the \"elements\" block: add a user-defined element according to the syntax\n"
253 " user defined :\n"
254 " <element_label> , nonsmooth node ,\n"
255 " [ frictional , { yes | no | (bool) <frictional> } , ]\n"
256 " (StructDispNode) <NonsmoothNODELABEL> ,\n"
257 " mass , (real) <mass> , radius , (real) <radius> ,\n"
258 " planes , (int) <number_of_planes> ,\n"
259 " <PlaneDefiningNODELABEL> ,\n"
260 " position ,\n"
261 " (Vec3) <relative_plane_position> ,\n"
262 " rotation orientation ,\n"
263 " (OrientationMatrix) <rel_rot_orientation_1> ,\n"
264 " restitution , (real) <rest_coeff>\n"
265 " [ , frictional coefficient , <mu> ]\n"
266 " [ , <other planes> ]\n"
267 " [ , constraint type , { position | velocity | both } ] # default: both\n"
268 " [ , theta , <theta> ] [ , gamma , <gamma> ]\n"
269 " [ , LCP solver , <solver> ]\n"
270 " [ , tolerance , <tolerance> ][ , max iterations , <num_iter> ]\n"
271 " # these options depend on LCP solver support, see\n"
272 " # http://siconos.gforge.inria.fr/Numerics/LCPSolvers.html\n"
273 " [ , limit iterations , <niterations> ]\n"
274 " [ , limit LCP iterations , <niterations> ]\n"
275 " [ , verbose , { yes | no | (bool) <verbose> } ] ;\n"
276 "\n"
277 " <solver> ::= lexico lemke # the default\n"
278 " | rpgs\n"
279 " | qp\n"
280 " | cpg\n"
281 " | pgs\n"
282 " | psor\n"
283 " | nsqp\n"
284 " | latin\n"
285 " | latin_w\n"
286 " | newton_min\n"
287 " | newton_FB\n"
288 "\n"
289 " OUTPUT:\n"
290 " 1: element label\n"
291 " 2-4: impulse on NonSmooth node in global ref. frame\n"
292 " 5-7: position of NonSmooth node in global ref. frame\n"
293 " 8-10: velocity of Nonsmooth node in global ref. frame\n"
294 " 11-13: Lambda: constr. reaction between mbs node and NS node\n"
295 " 14: p: norm of the impulse reaction in global ref. frame\n"
296 " 15: Ia: number of active constraints in this step\n"
297 "\n"
298 " if verbose, also:\n"
299 " 16-18: Mu: constraint relaxation factor\n"
300 " 19: LCPsolver status: 0 -> convergence, 1 -> iter=maxiter, >1 -> fail\n"
301 " (only for some solvers)\n"
302 " 20: LCPsolver resulting_error\n"
303 " (only for some solvers)\n"
304  << std::endl);
307  if (!HP.IsArg()) {
308  /*
309  * Exit quietly if nothing else is provided
310  */
311  throw NoErr(MBDYN_EXCEPT_ARGS);
312  }
313  }
315  m_pNode = pDM->ReadNode<const StructDispNode, Node::STRUCTURAL>(HP);
317  if (!HP.IsKeyWord("mass")) {
318  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): \"mass\" expected at line "
319  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
321  }
323  NS_data.mass_ns = HP.GetReal();
324  if (NS_data.mass_ns <= std::numeric_limits<doublereal>::epsilon()) {
325  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): \"mass\" too small at line "
326  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
328  }
330  if (!HP.IsKeyWord("radius")) {
331  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): \"radius\" expected at line "
332  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
334  }
336  NS_data.radius_ns = HP.GetReal();
338  if (!HP.IsKeyWord("planes")) {
339  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): \"planes\" expected at line "
340  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
342  }
344  NS_data.Np = HP.GetInt();
345  NS_data.constr.resize(NS_data.Np);
347  for (int i = 0; i < NS_data.Np; i++) {
348  NS_data.constr[i].AttNode = pDM->ReadNode<const StructNode, Node::STRUCTURAL>(HP);
350  ReferenceFrame RFnode(NS_data.constr[i].AttNode);
352  if (!HP.IsKeyWord("position")) {
353  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): \"position\" expected at line "
354  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
356  }
358  NS_data.constr[i].Point = HP.GetPosRel(RFnode);
360  if (!HP.IsKeyWord("rotation" "orientation")) {
361  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): \"rotation orientation \" expected at line "
362  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
364  }
366  NS_data.constr[i].RotRel = HP.GetRotRel(RFnode);
368  if (!HP.IsKeyWord("restitution")) {
369  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): \"restitution \" expected at line "
370  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
372  }
374  NS_data.constr[i].e_rest = HP.GetReal();
376  if (HP.IsKeyWord("friction" "coefficient")) {
377  bFrictional = true;
378  NS_data.constr[i].mu = HP.GetReal();
380  } else if (bFrictional) {
381  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << uLabel << "): no friction coefficient for plane #" << i << " of " << NS_data.Np << " at line "
382  << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
383  }
384  }
388  if (HP.IsKeyWord("constraint" "type")) {
389  if (HP.IsKeyWord("position")) {
391  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("velocity")) {
393  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("both")) {
395  } else {
396  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode: invalid constraint_type"
397  << " at line " << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
399  }
400  }
402  if (HP.IsKeyWord("theta")) {
403  NS_data.theta_ts = HP.GetReal();
405  } else {
406  NS_data.theta_ts = 0.5;
407  }
409  if (HP.IsKeyWord("gamma")) {
410  NS_data.gamma_pred = HP.GetReal();
412  } else {
413  NS_data.gamma_pred = 1.;
414  }
416  // default: LEXICO_LEMKE
418  if (HP.IsKeyWord("LCP" "solver")) {
419  if (HP.IsKeyWord("lexico" "lemke")) {
421  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("rpgs")) {
423  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("qp")) {
425  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("cpg")) {
427  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("pgs")) {
429  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("psor")) {
431  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("nsqp")) {
433  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("latin")) {
435  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("latin_w")) {
437  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("newton_min")) {
439  } else if (HP.IsKeyWord("newton_FB")) {
441  } else {
442  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << GetLabel() << "): invalid lcp solver type"
443  << " at line " << HP.GetLineData() << std::endl);
445  }
446  }
448  NS_data.solparam.solvertol = 1.e-14;
449  if (HP.IsKeyWord("tolerance")) {
451  }
454  if (HP.IsKeyWord("max" "iterations")) {
456  }
458  NS_data.iterations = 0;
459  if (HP.IsKeyWord("limit" "iterations")) {
460  NS_data.iterations = HP.GetInt();
461  }
463  NS_data.niterLCPmax = 0;
464  if (HP.IsKeyWord("limit" "LCP" "iterations")) {
465  NS_data.niterLCPmax = HP.GetInt();
466  }
468  if (HP.IsKeyWord("verbose")) {
469  NS_data.bVerbose = HP.GetYesNoOrBool(true);
470  }
474  //----------------------------------------------
475  // CHECK GAP
476  //----------------------------------------------
478  for (int i = 0; i < NS_data.Np; i++) {
479  NS_data.constr[i].H_kp1 = NS_data.constr[i].AttNode->GetRCurr() * NS_data.constr[i].RotRel;
480  Vec3 Plane_point = NS_data.constr[i].AttNode->GetXCurr() + NS_data.constr[i].AttNode->GetRCurr() * NS_data.constr[i].Point;
481  double Gap = (m_pNode->GetXCurr() - Plane_point) * NS_data.constr[i].H_kp1.GetVec(3) - NS_data.radius_ns;
483  if (NS_data.bVerbose) {
484  silent_cout("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << GetLabel() << ")" << std::endl
485  << " initial nonsmooth node position " << m_pNode->GetXCurr() << std::endl
486  << " Plane_point " << Plane_point << std::endl
487  << " normal " << NS_data.constr[i].H_kp1.GetVec(3) << std::endl
488  << " Gap " << Gap << std::endl
489  << " RFnode " << NS_data.constr[i].AttNode->GetRCurr() << std::endl);
490  }
492  if (Gap <= 0.) {
493  silent_cerr("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << GetLabel() << "): "
494  "unilateral constraint " << i << " violated before simulation; Gap=" << Gap << std::endl);
496  }
497  }
499  //Inizializzazione del sottosistema NonSmooth (struct) nel costruttore:
500  // integration step
503  // Inizializzazione dello stato
506  NS_data.Xns_kp1 = m_pNode->GetXCurr(); //NS state at step k +1
507  NS_data.Vns_kp1 = m_pNode->GetVCurr(); //NS velocity at step k + 1
508  NS_data.Xns_k = NS_data.Xns_kp1; //NS state at step k
509  NS_data.Vns_k = NS_data.Vns_kp1; //NS velocity at step k
511  NS_data.solparam.info = 0;
515  if (NS_data.bVerbose) {
516  silent_cout("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << GetLabel() << "): initial nonsmooth node position " << NS_data.Xns_kp1 << std::endl);
517  }
519  // Set-up approximated friction cone
520  // TODO: allow per-element discretization
521  if (bFrictional && !bIRa) {
522  bIRa = true;
524  IRa.Resize(2, omegan - 2);
525  for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++) {
526  for (int c = 0; c < omegan - 2; c++) {
527  IRa(r + 1, c + 1) = dIRa[r][c];
528  }
529  }
531  IRat.Resize(omegan - 2, 2);
532  for (int r = 0; r < omegan - 2; r++) {
533  for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
534  IRat(r + 1, c + 1) = dIRa[c][r];
535  }
536  }
538  IPa.Resize(2, 2);
539  for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++) {
540  for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
541  IPa(r + 1, c + 1) = dIPa[r][c];
542  }
543  }
544  }
545 }
flag fReadOutput(MBDynParser &HP, const T &t) const
Definition: dataman.h:1064
Mat3x3 GetRotRel(const ReferenceFrame &rf)
Definition: mbpar.cc:1795
Constraining constraint_type
const Vec3 Zero3(0., 0., 0.)
long int flag
Definition: mbdyn.h:43
Definition: except.h:63
Definition: matvec3.h:98
virtual integer GetInt(integer iDefval=0)
Definition: parser.cc:1050
static FullMatrixHandler IRat
const DriveHandler * pGetDrvHdl(void) const
Definition: dataman.h:340
virtual void Resize(integer iNewRows, integer iNewCols)
Definition: fullmh.cc:174
static bool bIRa(false)
doublereal theta_ts
solver_parameters solparam
virtual bool GetYesNoOrBool(bool bDefval=false)
Definition: parser.cc:1038
std::vector< plane > constr
const DataManager * m_pDM
Vec3 GetPosRel(const ReferenceFrame &rf)
Definition: mbpar.cc:1331
static FullMatrixHandler IPa
doublereal radius_ns
virtual bool IsKeyWord(const char *sKeyWord)
Definition: parser.cc:910
doublereal dGetTimeStep(void) const
Definition: drive.h:393
doublereal gamma_pred
static const doublereal dIRa[2][omegan-2]
static const doublereal dIPa[2][omegan-2]
doublereal mass_ns
unsigned int uLabel
Definition: withlab.h:44
static const int omegan
virtual const Vec3 & GetXCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:310
Definition: except.h:79
const StructDispNode * m_pNode
static std::stack< cleanup * > c
Definition: cleanup.cc:59
virtual bool IsArg(void)
Definition: parser.cc:807
UserDefinedElem(unsigned uLabel, const DofOwner *pDO)
Definition: userelem.cc:152
virtual const Vec3 & GetVCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:322
virtual void SetOutputFlag(flag f=flag(1))
Definition: output.cc:896
Elem(unsigned int uL, flag fOut)
Definition: elem.cc:41
virtual HighParser::ErrOut GetLineData(void) const
Definition: parsinc.cc:697
unsigned int GetLabel(void) const
Definition: withlab.cc:62
Node * ReadNode(MBDynParser &HP, Node::Type type) const
Definition: dataman3.cc:2309
static FullMatrixHandler IRa
virtual doublereal GetReal(const doublereal &dDefval=0.0)
Definition: parser.cc:1056

Here is the call graph for this function:

ModuleNonsmoothNode::~ModuleNonsmoothNode ( void  )

Definition at line 547 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References NO_OP.

548 {
549  // destroy private data
550  NO_OP;
551 }
#define NO_OP
Definition: myassert.h:74

Member Function Documentation

void ModuleNonsmoothNode::AfterConvergence ( const VectorHandler X,
const VectorHandler XP 

Reimplemented from SimulationEntity.

Definition at line 638 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References bStepToggle, iIter, NS_subsys::Lambda_k, NS_subsys::Lambda_kp1, NS_subsys::niter, NS_data, NS_subsys::Piter, and Zero3.

640 {
641  // called after a step converged
642  // store lambda at step k
644  bStepToggle = false;
645  iIter = 0;
646  NS_data.niter = 0;
647  NS_data.Piter = Zero3;
648 }
const Vec3 Zero3(0., 0., 0.)
void ModuleNonsmoothNode::AfterPredict ( VectorHandler X,
VectorHandler XP 

Reimplemented from SimulationEntity.

Definition at line 626 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References StructDispNode::GetVCurr(), StructDispNode::GetXCurr(), DofOwnerOwner::iGetFirstIndex(), NS_subsys::Lambda_kp1, m_pNode, NS_data, NS_subsys::Vns_kp1, and NS_subsys::Xns_kp1.

627 {
628  // called right after prediction, before any iteration within the time step
629  // estrai Lambda1 e Lambda2 da XCurr e "mettili via" per il non-smooth
630  integer iFirstIndex = iGetFirstIndex();
631  NS_data.Lambda_kp1 = Vec3(X, iFirstIndex + 1);
632  // Inizializzazione dello stato
633  NS_data.Xns_kp1 = m_pNode->GetXCurr(); //NS state at step k +1
634  NS_data.Vns_kp1 = m_pNode->GetVCurr(); //NS velocity at step k + 1
635 }
Definition: matvec3.h:98
virtual const Vec3 & GetXCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:310
const StructDispNode * m_pNode
virtual const Vec3 & GetVCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:322
virtual integer iGetFirstIndex(void) const
Definition: dofown.h:127
long int integer
Definition: colamd.c:51

Here is the call graph for this function:

VariableSubMatrixHandler & ModuleNonsmoothNode::AssJac ( VariableSubMatrixHandler WorkMat,
doublereal  dCoef,
const VectorHandler XCurr,
const VectorHandler XPrimeCurr 

Implements Elem.

Definition at line 651 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References ASSERT, NS_subsys::constraint_type, DofOwnerOwner::iGetFirstIndex(), StructDispNode::iGetFirstMomentumIndex(), StructDispNode::iGetFirstPositionIndex(), m_pNode, NS_data, POSITION_AND_VELOCITY, POSITION_ONLY, SparseSubMatrixHandler::PutItem(), SparseSubMatrixHandler::ResizeReset(), VariableSubMatrixHandler::SetSparse(), and VELOCITY_ONLY.

655 {
656  SparseSubMatrixHandler& WM = WorkMat.SetSparse();
657  integer iNode1FirstPositionIndex = m_pNode->iGetFirstPositionIndex();
658  integer iNode1FirstMomentumIndex = m_pNode->iGetFirstMomentumIndex();
659  integer iFirstIndex = iGetFirstIndex();
661  switch (NS_data.constraint_type) {
662  case POSITION_ONLY:
663  WM.ResizeReset(6, 1);
664  // add + I Dl = -lambda to existing momentum equation
665  WM.PutItem(1, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 1, iFirstIndex + 1, 1.);
666  WM.PutItem(2, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 2, iFirstIndex + 2, 1.);
667  WM.PutItem(3, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 3, iFirstIndex + 3, 1.);
668  // constraint equation on position: I dq = q-q
669  WM.PutItem(4, iFirstIndex + 1, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 1, 1.);
670  WM.PutItem(5, iFirstIndex + 2, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 2, 1.);
671  WM.PutItem(6, iFirstIndex + 3, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 3, 1.);
672  break;
674  case VELOCITY_ONLY:
675  WM.ResizeReset(6, 1);
676  // add + I Dl = -lambda to existing momentum equation
677  WM.PutItem(1, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 1, iFirstIndex + 1, 1.);
678  WM.PutItem(2, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 2, iFirstIndex + 2, 1.);
679  WM.PutItem(3, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 3, iFirstIndex + 3, 1.);
680  // constraint equation on velocity: I Dv = v-v
681  WM.PutItem(4, iFirstIndex + 1, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 1, 1.);
682  WM.PutItem(5, iFirstIndex + 2, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 2, 1.);
683  WM.PutItem(6, iFirstIndex + 3, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 3, 1.);
684  break;
687  WM.ResizeReset(12, 1);
688  // add + I Dl = -lambda to existing momentum equation
689  WM.PutItem(1, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 1, iFirstIndex + 1, 1.);
690  WM.PutItem(2, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 2, iFirstIndex + 2, 1.);
691  WM.PutItem(3, iNode1FirstMomentumIndex + 3, iFirstIndex + 3, 1.);
692  // constraint equation on position, relaxed: I dq + I dmu = q-q -mu
693  WM.PutItem(4, iFirstIndex + 1, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 1, dCoef);
694  WM.PutItem(5, iFirstIndex + 2, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 2, dCoef);
695  WM.PutItem(6, iFirstIndex + 3, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 3, dCoef);
696  WM.PutItem(7, iFirstIndex + 1, iFirstIndex + 4, 1.);
697  WM.PutItem(8, iFirstIndex + 2, iFirstIndex + 5, 1.);
698  WM.PutItem(9, iFirstIndex + 3, iFirstIndex + 6, 1.);
699  // constraint equation on velocity: I Dv = v-v
700  WM.PutItem(10, iFirstIndex + 4, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 1, 1.);
701  WM.PutItem(11, iFirstIndex + 5, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 2, 1.);
702  WM.PutItem(12, iFirstIndex + 6, iNode1FirstPositionIndex + 3, 1.);
703  break;
705  default:
706  // impossible
707  ASSERT(0);
708  }
710  return WorkMat;
711 }
Constraining constraint_type
void ResizeReset(integer iNewRow, integer iNewCol)
Definition: submat.cc:1084
void PutItem(integer iSubIt, integer iRow, integer iCol, const doublereal &dCoef)
Definition: submat.h:997
virtual integer iGetFirstMomentumIndex(void) const =0
virtual integer iGetFirstPositionIndex(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:452
#define ASSERT(expression)
Definition: colamd.c:977
const StructDispNode * m_pNode
SparseSubMatrixHandler & SetSparse(void)
Definition: submat.h:1178
virtual integer iGetFirstIndex(void) const
Definition: dofown.h:127
long int integer
Definition: colamd.c:51

Here is the call graph for this function:

SubVectorHandler & ModuleNonsmoothNode::AssRes ( SubVectorHandler WorkVec,
doublereal  dCoef,
const VectorHandler XCurr,
const VectorHandler XPrimeCurr 

Implements Elem.

Definition at line 714 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References bFrictional, GravityOwner::bGetGravity(), NS_subsys::bGravity, NS_subsys::bVerbose, NS_subsys::constraint_type, DriveHandler::dGetTimeStep(), WithLabel::GetLabel(), StructDispNode::GetVCurr(), StructDispNode::GetVPrev(), StructDispNode::GetXCurr(), StructDispNode::GetXPrev(), NS_subsys::GravityAcceleration, NS_subsys::hstep, DofOwnerOwner::iGetFirstIndex(), StructDispNode::iGetFirstMomentumIndex(), DriveHandler::iGetStep(), iIter, NS_subsys::iterations, NS_subsys::Lambda_kp1, m_pDM, m_pNode, mbs_get_force(), mbs_get_force_frictional(), NS_subsys::mu, Mu, NS_data, DataManager::pGetDrvHdl(), POSITION_AND_VELOCITY, POSITION_ONLY, SubVectorHandler::PutItem(), VectorHandler::ResizeReset(), VELOCITY_ONLY, NS_subsys::Vns_k, NS_subsys::Vns_kp1, NS_subsys::Xns_k, and NS_subsys::Xns_kp1.

718 {
719  integer iNode1FirstIndex = m_pNode->iGetFirstMomentumIndex();
720  integer iFirstIndex = iGetFirstIndex();
721  // Variables needed for the iteration:
722  // timestep value, gravity acceleration (if it is set),
723  // position and velocity of the node coincident with the nonsmooth node,
724  // forces applied on that node by the rest of the model.
726  const Vec3& Xn = m_pNode->GetXCurr();
733 // std::cout << "NS_data.Xns_kp1="<<NS_data.Xns_kp1;
735  NS_data.Lambda_kp1 = Vec3(XCurr, iFirstIndex + 1);
737  // integra un'iterazione del systema NonSmooth e restituisci il nuovo Lambda
738  // e Xns1 e Vns1 all'interno di NS_data
740  if (((NS_data.iterations > 0) && (iIter < NS_data.iterations)) || (NS_data.iterations == 0)) {
741  if (bFrictional) {
744  } else {
746  }
747  iIter++;
748  }
750  Vec3 DX1(NS_data.Xns_kp1 - m_pNode->GetXCurr());
751  Vec3 DV1(NS_data.Vns_kp1 - m_pNode->GetVCurr());
753  if (NS_data.bVerbose) {
754  silent_cout("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << GetLabel() << ") step=" << m_pDM->pGetDrvHdl()->iGetStep() << std::endl
755  << " NS_data.Xns_kp1={" << NS_data.Xns_kp1 << "} DX={" << DX1 << "}" << std::endl
756  << " NS_data.Vns_kp1={" << NS_data.Vns_kp1 << "} DV={" << DV1 << "}" << std::endl
757  << " NS_data.Lambda_kp1={" << NS_data.Lambda_kp1 << "}" << std::endl);
758  }
760  switch (NS_data.constraint_type) {
761  case POSITION_ONLY:
762  WorkVec.ResizeReset(6);
763  WorkVec.PutItem(1, iNode1FirstIndex + 1, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(1));
764  WorkVec.PutItem(2, iNode1FirstIndex + 2, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(2));
765  WorkVec.PutItem(3, iNode1FirstIndex + 3, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(3));
766  WorkVec.PutItem(4, iFirstIndex + 1, DX1(1)/dCoef);
767  WorkVec.PutItem(5, iFirstIndex + 2, DX1(2)/dCoef);
768  WorkVec.PutItem(6, iFirstIndex + 3, DX1(3)/dCoef);
769  break;
771  case VELOCITY_ONLY:
772  WorkVec.ResizeReset(6);
773  WorkVec.PutItem(1, iNode1FirstIndex + 1, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(1));
774  WorkVec.PutItem(2, iNode1FirstIndex + 2, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(2));
775  WorkVec.PutItem(3, iNode1FirstIndex + 3, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(3));
776  WorkVec.PutItem(4, iFirstIndex + 1, DV1(1));
777  WorkVec.PutItem(5, iFirstIndex + 2, DV1(2));
778  WorkVec.PutItem(6, iFirstIndex + 3, DV1(3));
779  break;
782  WorkVec.ResizeReset(9);
783  Mu = Vec3(XCurr, iFirstIndex + 4);
784  // residuo per le equazioni di congruenza del nodo 1
785  DX1 -= Mu;
786  NS_data.mu = Mu;
787  WorkVec.PutItem(1, iNode1FirstIndex + 1, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(1));
788  WorkVec.PutItem(2, iNode1FirstIndex + 2, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(2));
789  WorkVec.PutItem(3, iNode1FirstIndex + 3, - NS_data.Lambda_kp1(3));
790  WorkVec.PutItem(4, iFirstIndex + 1, DX1(1));
791  WorkVec.PutItem(5, iFirstIndex + 2, DX1(2));
792  WorkVec.PutItem(6, iFirstIndex + 3, DX1(3));
793  WorkVec.PutItem(7, iFirstIndex + 4, DV1(1));
794  WorkVec.PutItem(8, iFirstIndex + 5, DV1(2));
795  WorkVec.PutItem(9, iFirstIndex + 6, DV1(3));
796  break;
797  }
799  if (NS_data.bVerbose) {
800  silent_cout("ModuleNonsmoothNode(" << GetLabel() << ") workvec:" << std::endl << WorkVec << std::endl);
801  }
803  return WorkVec;
804 }
Constraining constraint_type
Definition: matvec3.h:98
virtual void ResizeReset(integer)
Definition: vh.cc:55
virtual const Vec3 & GetXPrev(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:304
const DriveHandler * pGetDrvHdl(void) const
Definition: dataman.h:340
virtual bool bGetGravity(const Vec3 &X, Vec3 &Acc) const
Definition: gravity.cc:208
virtual void PutItem(integer iSubRow, integer iRow, const doublereal &dCoef)
Definition: submat.h:1445
const DataManager * m_pDM
integer iGetStep(void) const
Definition: drive.h:400
doublereal dGetTimeStep(void) const
Definition: drive.h:393
void mbs_get_force_frictional(NS_subsys &)
virtual const Vec3 & GetVPrev(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:316
void mbs_get_force(NS_subsys &)
virtual integer iGetFirstMomentumIndex(void) const =0
virtual const Vec3 & GetXCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:310
const StructDispNode * m_pNode
virtual const Vec3 & GetVCurr(void) const
Definition: strnode.h:322
virtual integer iGetFirstIndex(void) const
Definition: dofown.h:127
long int integer
Definition: colamd.c:51
unsigned int GetLabel(void) const
Definition: withlab.cc:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ModuleNonsmoothNode::GetConnectedNodes ( std::vector< const Node * > &  connectedNodes) const

Reimplemented from Elem.

Definition at line 820 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References NS_subsys::constr, iGetNumConnectedNodes(), m_pNode, and NS_data.

821 {
822  connectedNodes.resize(iGetNumConnectedNodes());
823  connectedNodes[0] = m_pNode;
824  unsigned i = 0;
825  for (; i < NS_data.constr.size(); i++) {
826  connectedNodes[i + 1] = NS_data.constr[i].AttNode;
827  }
828 }
int iGetNumConnectedNodes(void) const
std::vector< plane > constr
const StructDispNode * m_pNode

Here is the call graph for this function:

DofOrder::Order ModuleNonsmoothNode::GetDofType ( unsigned int  ) const

Reimplemented from Elem.

Definition at line 596 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References DofOrder::ALGEBRAIC.

597 {
598  return DofOrder::ALGEBRAIC;
599 }
unsigned int ModuleNonsmoothNode::iGetInitialNumDof ( void  ) const

Implements SubjectToInitialAssembly.

Definition at line 845 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

846 {
847  return 0;
848 }
int ModuleNonsmoothNode::iGetNumConnectedNodes ( void  ) const

Definition at line 813 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References NS_subsys::constr, and NS_data.

Referenced by GetConnectedNodes().

814 {
815  // silent_cerr("start iGetNumConnectedNodes " << std::endl);
816  return 1 + NS_data.constr.size();
817 }
std::vector< plane > constr
unsigned int ModuleNonsmoothNode::iGetNumDof ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from Elem.

Definition at line 554 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.


555 {
556  switch (NS_data.constraint_type) {
557  case POSITION_ONLY:
558  return 3;
560  case VELOCITY_ONLY:
561  return 3;
564  return 6;
565  }
567  // impossible
568  ASSERT(0);
570 }
Constraining constraint_type
Definition: except.h:63
#define ASSERT(expression)
Definition: colamd.c:977
unsigned int ModuleNonsmoothNode::iGetNumPrivData ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from SimulationEntity.

Definition at line 807 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

808 {
809  return 0;
810 }
VariableSubMatrixHandler & ModuleNonsmoothNode::InitialAssJac ( VariableSubMatrixHandler WorkMat,
const VectorHandler XCurr 

Implements SubjectToInitialAssembly.

Definition at line 858 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References ASSERT, and VariableSubMatrixHandler::SetNullMatrix().

861 {
862  // should not be called, since initial workspace is empty
863  ASSERT(0);
864  WorkMat.SetNullMatrix();
865  return WorkMat;
866 }
void SetNullMatrix(void)
Definition: submat.h:1159
#define ASSERT(expression)
Definition: colamd.c:977

Here is the call graph for this function:

SubVectorHandler & ModuleNonsmoothNode::InitialAssRes ( SubVectorHandler WorkVec,
const VectorHandler XCurr 

Implements SubjectToInitialAssembly.

Definition at line 869 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References ASSERT, and VectorHandler::ResizeReset().

872 {
873  // should not be called, since initial workspace is empty
874  ASSERT(0);
875  WorkVec.ResizeReset(0);
876  return WorkVec;
877 }
virtual void ResizeReset(integer)
Definition: vh.cc:55
#define ASSERT(expression)
Definition: colamd.c:977

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ModuleNonsmoothNode::InitialWorkSpaceDim ( integer piNumRows,
integer piNumCols 
) const

Implements SubjectToInitialAssembly.

Definition at line 851 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

852 {
853  *piNumRows = 0;
854  *piNumCols = 0;
855 }
void ModuleNonsmoothNode::mbs_get_force ( NS_subsys NS)

Definition at line 907 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References NS_subsys::bGravity, bStepToggle, NS_subsys::constr, Eye3, NS_subsys::gamma_pred, NS_subsys::GravityAcceleration, NS_subsys::hstep, NS_subsys::ia, NS_subsys::Lambda_k, NS_subsys::Lambda_kp1, NS_subsys::mass_ns, mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call(), MatNxN::Mult(), NS_subsys::niter, NS_subsys::niterLCPmax, Vec3::Norm(), NS_subsys::Np, VecN::pGetVec(), NS_subsys::Piter, NS_subsys::pkp1, NS_subsys::Poutput, Mat3xN::PutVec(), NS_subsys::radius_ns, MatNx3::RightMult(), NS_subsys::solparam, NS_subsys::theta_ts, MatNx3::Transpose(), NS_subsys::Vns_k, NS_subsys::Vns_kp1, NS_subsys::Xns_k, NS_subsys::Xns_kp1, and Zero3.

Referenced by AssRes().

908 {
909  // Some Output initialization
910  Vec3 p_kp1 = Zero3;
911  NS.pkp1 = 0.;
912  NS.ia = 0;
914 // Mat3x3 M_ns = Eye3 * NS.mass_ns;
915 // Mat3x3 K_ns = Zero3x3;
916 // Mat3x3 C_ns = Zero3x3;
917 // Mat3x3 Mhat = M_ns + C_ns * (NS.hstep * NS.theta_ts) + K_ns * (NS.hstep * NS.hstep * NS.theta_ts * NS.theta_ts);
918 // Mat3x3 invMhat = Mhat.Inv();
919  Mat3x3 M_ns = Eye3 * NS.mass_ns;
920  Mat3x3 invMhat = Eye3 * (1./NS.mass_ns);
922  // Determine the predicted NS state at the step k+1, to verify if the gap is closed
923  Vec3 x_NS_predicted = NS.Xns_k + NS.Vns_k * (NS.hstep * NS.gamma_pred);
925  // Create index of active constraints: Ia, through evaluation of the gap distance.
926  std::vector<int> Ia;
927  for (int i = 0; i < NS.Np; i++) {
928  // Store the orientation matrix H of the reference frame with Z aligned with contact direction
929  NS.constr[i].H_kp1 = NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetRCurr() * NS.constr[i].RotRel;
930  NS.constr[i].H_k = NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetRPrev() * NS.constr[i].RotRel;
932  Vec3 Plane_point = NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetXCurr() + NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetRCurr() * NS.constr[i].Point;
933  NS.constr[i].Gap = (x_NS_predicted - Plane_point) * NS.constr[i].H_kp1.GetVec(3) - NS.radius_ns;
935  // Valuto gap(xpredicted) e creo indice vincoli attivi
936  if (NS.constr[i].Gap <= 0.) {
937  Ia.push_back(i);
938  }
939  }
941 #if 0
942  // NOTE: if no active contact, directly integrate the dynamics of the mass
943  if (Ia.empty()) {
944  }
945 #endif
947  // External forces: gravity and the reaction passed from the rest of the system integrated by MBDYN
948  Vec3 F_k = NS.Lambda_k;
949  Vec3 F_kp1 = NS.Lambda_kp1;
950  Vec3 Fg;
951  if (NS.bGravity) {
952  Fg = NS.GravityAcceleration * NS.mass_ns;
953  F_k += Fg;
954  F_kp1 += Fg;
955  }
957  // Velocity of the non-smooth subsystem calculated without the contribute of contact impulse
958  // Vec3 vfree_kp1= NS.Vns_k + invMhat * ( - C_ns*NS.Vns_k*NS.hstep - K_ns*NS.Xns_k*NS.hstep - K_ns*NS.Vns_k*(NS.hstep*NS.hstep*NS.theta_ts) + (F_kp1*NS.theta_ts + F_k* (1.-NS.theta_ts) ) *NS.hstep);
959  Vec3 vfree_kp1 = NS.Vns_k + invMhat * (F_kp1*NS.theta_ts + F_k* (1. - NS.theta_ts)) * NS.hstep;
961  Vec3 VfreeRel = vfree_kp1 - NS.constr[0].AttNode->GetVCurr(); // VfreeMinusVplane
962  Vec3 VnskRel = NS.Vns_k - NS.constr[0].AttNode->GetVCurr();
964  // Composing and solving the Linear Complementarity System to determine the contact impulse p_kp1
965  if (!Ia.empty()) {
966  Mat3xN Hfull_kp1(Ia.size());
967  Mat3xN Hfull_k(Ia.size());
969  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ia.size(); i++) {
970  Hfull_kp1.PutVec(i + 1, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_kp1.GetVec(3));
971  Hfull_k.PutVec(i + 1, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_k.GetVec(3));
972  }
974  MatNx3 Hfull_kp1T(Ia.size());
975  Hfull_kp1T.Transpose(Hfull_kp1);
976  MatNx3 Hfull_kT(Ia.size());
977  Hfull_kT.Transpose(Hfull_k);
978  MatNx3 HTW(Ia.size());
979  HTW.RightMult(Hfull_kp1T, invMhat);
980  MatNxN W_delassus(Ia.size(), 0.);
981  W_delassus.Mult(HTW, Hfull_kp1);
983  // Attenzione, matrici riempite alla FORTRAN! Passo a Siconos le matrici come le vuole lui.
984  double W_passed[Ia.size()*Ia.size()];
985  int indice = 0;
986  for (unsigned i = 1; i < Ia.size() + 1; i++) {
987  for (unsigned j = 1; j < Ia.size() + 1; j++) {
988  W_passed[indice] = W_delassus(j, i);
989  indice++;
990  }
991  }
993  double bLCP_new[Ia.size()];
994  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ia.size(); i++) {
995  bLCP_new[i] = Hfull_kp1T.GetVec(i + 1) * VfreeRel + Hfull_kT.GetVec(i + 1) * VnskRel * NS.constr[Ia[i]].e_rest;
996  }
998  VecN P(Ia.size(), 0.);
999  VecN U(Ia.size(), 0.);
1001  if ((NS.niter < NS.niterLCPmax) || (NS.niterLCPmax == 0)) {
1002  // Solving the LCP with one of Siconos solvers
1003  mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call(Ia.size(), W_passed, bLCP_new, P.pGetVec(), U.pGetVec(), NS.solparam);
1005  // Reazioni nel sistema di riferimento globale
1006  p_kp1 = Hfull_kp1 * P;
1008  NS.Piter = p_kp1;
1010  NS.niter++;
1011  }
1012  }
1014  // Updating: state actualization with the contribution of the contact impulse
1015  NS.Vns_kp1 = vfree_kp1 + invMhat * NS.Piter;
1016  NS.Xns_kp1 = NS.Xns_k + (NS.Vns_kp1 * NS.theta_ts + NS.Vns_k* (1. - NS.theta_ts)) * NS.hstep;
1017  // Reaction force to be exchanged with the rest of the system in MBDYN
1018  NS.Lambda_kp1 = p_kp1 / NS.hstep - M_ns * (NS.Vns_kp1 - NS.Vns_k) / NS.hstep + NS.Lambda_k*(1. - NS.theta_ts);
1019  if (NS.bGravity) {
1020  NS.Lambda_kp1 += Fg;
1021  }
1022  NS.Lambda_kp1 /= -NS.theta_ts;
1024  // Store output
1025  NS.ia = Ia.size();
1026  NS.pkp1 = p_kp1.Norm();
1027  NS.Poutput = p_kp1;
1028  // p_kp1 = NS.Piter;
1030  // Indicatore di nuovo step, per evitare troppo output con bVerbose.
1031  bStepToggle = true;
1032 }
void mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call(int sizep, double W_NN[], double bLCP[], double Pkp1[], double wlem[], solver_parameters &solparam)
const Vec3 Zero3(0., 0., 0.)
Definition: matvec3.h:98
doublereal Norm(void) const
Definition: matvec3.h:263
const Mat3x3 Eye3(1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.)
doublereal theta_ts
solver_parameters solparam
const MatNx3 & Transpose(const Mat3xN &n)
Definition: matvec3n.cc:898
std::vector< plane > constr
const MatNx3 & RightMult(const MatNx3 &n, const Mat3x3 &m)
Definition: matvec3n.cc:814
doublereal radius_ns
doublereal gamma_pred
doublereal mass_ns
void PutVec(integer iCol, const Vec3 &v)
Definition: matvec3n.cc:565
Definition: matvec3n.h:76

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ModuleNonsmoothNode::mbs_get_force_frictional ( NS_subsys NS)

Definition at line 1035 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References FullMatrixHandler::Add(), NS_subsys::bGravity, bStepToggle, NS_subsys::constr, Eye3, NS_subsys::gamma_pred, NS_subsys::GravityAcceleration, NS_subsys::hstep, NS_subsys::ia, NS_subsys::Lambda_k, NS_subsys::Lambda_kp1, NS_subsys::mass_ns, FullMatrixHandler::MatMul(), MatrixHandler::MatVecMul(), mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call(), NS_subsys::niter, NS_subsys::niterLCPmax, NS_subsys::Np, FullMatrixHandler::pdGetMat(), NS_subsys::Piter, NS_subsys::pkp1, NS_subsys::Poutput, STLVectorHandler::Put(), FullMatrixHandler::Put(), FullMatrixHandler::PutT(), NS_subsys::radius_ns, NS_subsys::solparam, FullMatrixHandler::Sub(), NS_subsys::theta_ts, NS_subsys::Vns_k, NS_subsys::Vns_kp1, NS_subsys::Xns_k, NS_subsys::Xns_kp1, and Zero3.

Referenced by AssRes().

1036 {
1037 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1039 // Mat3x3 M_ns = Eye3 * NS.mass_ns;
1040 // Mat3x3 K_ns = Zero3x3;
1041 // Mat3x3 C_ns = Zero3x3;
1042 // Mat3x3 Mhat = M_ns + C_ns * (NS.hstep * NS.theta_ts) + K_ns * (NS.hstep * NS.hstep * NS.theta_ts * NS.theta_ts);
1043 // Mat3x3 invMhat = Mhat.Inv();
1044  Mat3x3 M_ns = Eye3 * NS.mass_ns;
1045  Mat3x3 invMhat = Eye3 * (1./NS.mass_ns);
1047  Vec3 p_kp1 = Zero3;
1048  NS.Poutput = Zero3;
1049  NS.ia = 0;
1051  // Determine the predicted NS state at the step k+1, to verify if the gap is closed
1052  Vec3 x_NS_predicted = NS.Xns_k + NS.Vns_k * NS.hstep * NS.gamma_pred;
1054  // Create index of active constraints: Ia, through evaluation of the gap distance.
1055  std::vector<int> Ia;
1056  for (int i = 0; i < NS.Np; i++) {
1057  // Store the orientation matrix H of the reference frame with Z aligned with contact direction
1058  NS.constr[i].H_kp1 = NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetRCurr() * NS.constr[i].RotRel;
1059  NS.constr[i].H_k = NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetRPrev() * NS.constr[i].RotRel;
1061  Vec3 Plane_point = NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetXCurr() + NS.constr[i].AttNode->GetRCurr() * NS.constr[i].Point;
1062  NS.constr[i].Gap = (x_NS_predicted - Plane_point) * NS.constr[i].H_kp1.GetVec(3) - NS.radius_ns;
1064  // Valuto gap(xpredicted) e creo indice vincoli attivi
1065  if (NS.constr[i].Gap <= 0.) {
1066  Ia.push_back(i);
1067  }
1068  }
1070 #if 0
1071  // NOTE: if no active contact, directly integrate the dynamics of the mass
1072  if (Ia.empty()) {
1073  }
1074 #endif
1076  // External forces: gravity and the reaction passed from the rest of the system integrated by MBDYN
1077  Vec3 F_k = NS.Lambda_k;
1078  Vec3 F_kp1 = NS.Lambda_kp1;
1079  Vec3 Fg;
1080  if (NS.bGravity) {
1081  Fg = NS.GravityAcceleration * NS.mass_ns;
1082  F_k += Fg;
1083  F_kp1 += Fg;
1084  }
1086  // Velocity of the non-smooth subsystem calculated without the contribute of contact impulse
1087  // Vec3 vfree_kp1= NS.Vns_k + invMhat * ( - C_ns*NS.Vns_k*NS.hstep - K_ns*NS.Xns_k*NS.hstep - K_ns*NS.Vns_k*(NS.hstep*NS.hstep*NS.theta_ts) + (F_kp1*NS.theta_ts + F_k* (1.-NS.theta_ts) ) *NS.hstep);
1088  Vec3 vfree_kp1 = NS.Vns_k + invMhat * (F_kp1*NS.theta_ts + F_k * (1. - NS.theta_ts)) * NS.hstep;
1089  Vec3 VfreeRel = vfree_kp1 - NS.constr[0].AttNode->GetVCurr(); // VfreeMinusVplane
1091  if (Ia.size() > 0) {
1092  int ac = Ia.size(); // active constraints !!!
1093  FullMatrixHandler H_NN(3, ac);
1094  FullMatrixHandler H_TT(3, 2*ac);
1095  FullMatrixHandler H_NNt(ac, 3);
1096  FullMatrixHandler H_TTt(2*ac, 3);
1098  FullMatrixHandler Htot(3, 3*ac);
1100  FullMatrixHandler I_P(2*ac, 2*ac);
1101  FullMatrixHandler I_R(2*ac, (omegan - 2)*ac);
1102  FullMatrixHandler I_Rt((omegan - 2)*ac, 2*ac);
1103  FullMatrixHandler mu_P(2*ac, ac);
1104  FullMatrixHandler mu_R((omegan - 2)*ac, ac);
1105  FullMatrixHandler en(1, ac);
1107  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ia.size(); i++) {
1108  en(1, i + 1) = NS.constr[Ia[i]].e_rest;
1110  H_NN.Put(1, i + 1, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_kp1.GetVec(3));
1111  H_TT.Put(1, 2*i + 1, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_kp1.GetVec(1));
1112  H_TT.Put(1, 2*i + 2, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_kp1.GetVec(2));
1113  H_NNt.PutT(i + 1, 1, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_kp1.GetVec(3));
1114  H_TTt.PutT(2*i + 1, 1, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_kp1.GetVec(1));
1115  H_TTt.PutT(2*i + 2, 1, NS.constr[Ia[i]].H_kp1.GetVec(2));
1117  I_P.Put(2*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, 2*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, IPa);
1118  I_R.Put(2*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, (omegan - 2)*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, IRa);
1119  I_Rt.Put((omegan - 2)*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, 2*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, IRat);
1121  FullMatrixHandler mu_Piw(2, 1);
1122  mu_Piw(1, 1) = NS.constr[Ia[i]].mu;
1123  mu_Piw(2, 1) = NS.constr[Ia[i]].mu;
1125  FullMatrixHandler mu_Riw(omegan - 2, 1);
1127  for (int in = 1; in < omegan - 2 + 1; in++) {
1128  mu_Riw(in, 1) = NS.constr[Ia[i]].mu;
1129  }
1131  mu_P.Put(2*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, i + 1, mu_Piw);
1132  mu_R.Put((omegan - 2)*(i + 1 - 1) + 1, i + 1, mu_Riw);
1133  }
1135  Htot.Put(1, 1, H_TT);
1136  Htot.Put(1, 2*ac + 1, H_NN);
1138  FullMatrixHandler v_free(3, 1);
1139  v_free.Put(1, 1, VfreeRel);
1140  FullMatrixHandler U_Nfree(1*ac, 1);
1141  FullMatrixHandler U_Tfree(2*ac, 1);
1142  U_Nfree.MatMul(H_NNt, v_free);
1143  U_Tfree.MatMul(H_TTt, v_free);
1145  FullMatrixHandler iMhat(3, 3);
1146  iMhat.Put(1, 1, invMhat);
1148  FullMatrixHandler WNNl(ac, 3);
1149  WNNl.MatMul(H_NNt, iMhat);
1150  FullMatrixHandler WNN(ac, ac);
1151  WNN.MatMul(WNNl, H_NN);
1153  FullMatrixHandler WTTl(2*ac, 3);
1154  WTTl.MatMul(H_TTt, iMhat);
1155  FullMatrixHandler WTT(2*ac, 2*ac);
1156  WTT.MatMul(WTTl, H_TT);
1158  FullMatrixHandler WNTl(ac, 3);
1159  WNTl.MatMul(H_NNt, iMhat);
1160  FullMatrixHandler WNT(ac, 2*ac);
1161  WNT.MatMul(WNTl, H_TT);
1163  FullMatrixHandler WTNl(2*ac, 3);
1164  WTNl.MatMul(H_TTt, iMhat);
1165  FullMatrixHandler WTN(2*ac, ac);
1166  WTN.MatMul(WTNl, H_NN);
1168  // FIXME: adesso è facile perchè eye(2*ac)
1169  FullMatrixHandler IPmT(2*ac, 2*ac);
1170  for (int ipmti = 1; ipmti < 2*ac + 1; ipmti++) {
1171  IPmT(ipmti, ipmti) = 1;
1172  }
1174  // MLCP construction
1175  int ProbDim = (3 + omegan - 2)*ac;
1176  FullMatrixHandler Mlcp(ProbDim, ProbDim);
1177  FullMatrixHandler mlcp11(ac, ac);
1178  FullMatrixHandler mlcp12(ac, 2*ac);
1179  FullMatrixHandler mlcp21(2*ac, ac);
1180  FullMatrixHandler mlcp22(2*ac, 2*ac);
1181  FullMatrixHandler mlcp23(2*ac, (omegan - 2)*ac);
1182  FullMatrixHandler mlcp31((omegan - 2)*ac, ac);
1183  FullMatrixHandler mlcp32((omegan - 2)*ac, 2*ac);
1185  FullMatrixHandler WNT_IPmT(ac, 2*ac);
1186  WNT_IPmT.MatMul(WNT, IPmT);
1187  FullMatrixHandler WNT_IPmT_muP(ac, ac);
1188  WNT_IPmT_muP.MatMul(WNT_IPmT, mu_P);
1190  mlcp11.Put(1, 1, WNN);
1191  mlcp11.Add(1, 1, WNT_IPmT_muP);
1192  mlcp12.Sub(1, 1, WNT_IPmT);
1194  FullMatrixHandler WTT_IPmT(2*ac, 2*ac);
1195  WTT_IPmT.MatMul(WTT, IPmT);
1196  FullMatrixHandler WTT_IPmT_muP(2*ac, ac);
1197  WTT_IPmT_muP.MatMul(WTT_IPmT, mu_P);
1198  WTT_IPmT_muP.Add(1, 1, WTN);
1199  mlcp21.Sub(1, 1, WTT_IPmT_muP);
1201  mlcp22.Put(1, 1, WTT);
1203  mlcp23.Sub(1, 1, I_R);
1205  FullMatrixHandler I_Rt_mu_P((omegan - 2)*ac, ac);
1206  I_Rt_mu_P.MatMul(I_Rt, mu_P);
1208  mlcp31.Add(1, 1, mu_R);
1209  mlcp31.Sub(1, 1, I_Rt_mu_P);
1210  mlcp32.Add(1, 1, I_Rt);
1212  Mlcp.Put(1, 1, mlcp11);
1213  Mlcp.Put(1, ac + 1, mlcp12);
1214  Mlcp.Put(ac + 1, 1, mlcp21);
1215  Mlcp.Put(ac + 1, ac + 1, mlcp22);
1216  Mlcp.Put(ac + 1, 3*ac + 1, mlcp23);
1217  Mlcp.Put(3*ac + 1, 1, mlcp31);
1218  Mlcp.Put(3*ac + 1, ac + 1, mlcp32);
1220  // FIXME: use STLVectorHandler?
1221  FullMatrixHandler qlcp(ProbDim, 1);
1222  FullMatrixHandler qlcp1(ac, 1);
1224  STLVectorHandler VnskMinusVplane(3);
1225  VnskMinusVplane.Put(1, NS.Vns_k - NS.constr[0].AttNode->GetVCurr());
1227  STLVectorHandler U_N(ac);
1228  H_NNt.MatVecMul(U_N, VnskMinusVplane);
1230  for (int ien = 1; ien < ac + 1; ien++) {
1231  qlcp1(ien, 1) = U_N(ien)*en(1, ien);
1232  }
1234  qlcp1.Add(1, 1, U_Nfree);
1235  qlcp.Put(1, 1, qlcp1);
1236  qlcp.Sub(ac + 1, 1, U_Tfree);
1238 #if 0
1241  std::cout<<" H_NN" << std::endl << H_NN << std::endl;
1242  std::cout<<" H_TT" << std::endl << H_TT << std::endl;
1243  std::cout<<" I_P" << std::endl << I_P << std::endl;
1244  std::cout<<" I_R" << std::endl << I_R << std::endl;
1245  std::cout<<" I_Rt" << std::endl << I_Rt << std::endl;
1246  std::cout<<" mu_P" << std::endl << mu_P << std::endl;
1247  std::cout<<" mu_R" << std::endl << mu_R << std::endl;
1248  std::cout<<" WNN" << std::endl << WNN << std::endl;
1249  std::cout<<" WNT" << std::endl << WNT << std::endl;
1250  std::cout<<" WTN" << std::endl << WTN << std::endl;
1251  std::cout<<" WTT" << std::endl << WTT << std::endl;
1252  std::cout<<" IPmT" << std::endl << IPmT << std::endl;
1253 // std::cout<< "MLCP" << std::endl << MLCP << std::endl;
1254 // std::cout<< "qLCP" << std::endl << qLCP << std::endl;
1255 #endif
1257  double Pkp1[ProbDim];
1258  double Unkp1[ProbDim];
1260  // NOTE: resetting Pkp1, Unkp1 is mandatory because some times
1261  // they are not (r)eset in mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call()
1262  memset(Pkp1, 0, sizeof(Pkp1));
1263  memset(Unkp1, 0, sizeof(Unkp1));
1265  if ((NS.niter < NS.niterLCPmax) || (NS.niterLCPmax == 0)) {
1266  // Solving the LCP with one of Siconos solvers
1267  mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call(ProbDim, Mlcp.pdGetMat(), qlcp.pdGetMat(), &Pkp1[0], &Unkp1[0], NS.solparam);
1269  STLVectorHandler PN(ac);
1270  STLVectorHandler sigmaP(2*ac);
1271  STLVectorHandler PT(2*ac);
1272  STLVectorHandler Ptot(3*ac);
1273  STLVectorHandler ptot(3);
1275  for (int i = 1; i <= ac; i++) {
1276  PN(i) = Pkp1[i - 1];
1277  }
1278  for (int i = ac + 1; i <= 3*ac; i++) {
1279  sigmaP(i - ac) = Pkp1[i - 1];
1280  }
1281  mu_P.MatVecMul(PT, PN);
1282  PT -= sigmaP;
1283  for (int i = 1; i <= 2*ac; i++) {
1284  Ptot(i) = PT(i);
1285  }
1286  for (int i = 2*ac + 1; i <= 3*ac; i++) {
1287  Ptot(i) = PN(i - (2*ac));
1288  }
1289  Htot.MatVecMul(ptot, Ptot);
1291  p_kp1(1) = ptot(1);
1292  p_kp1(2) = ptot(2);
1293  p_kp1(3) = ptot(3);
1295  NS.Piter = p_kp1;
1297  NS.niter++;
1298  }
1300 // // Solving the LCP with one of Siconos solvers
1301 // mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call(ProbDim, Mlcp_passed, qlcp_passed, Pkp1, Unkp1, NS.solparam);
1303 // FullMatrixHandler PN(ac, 1);
1304 // FullMatrixHandler sigmaP(2*ac, 1);
1305 // FullMatrixHandler PT(2*ac, 1);
1306 // FullMatrixHandler Ptot(3*ac, 1);
1307 // FullMatrixHandler ptot(3, 1);
1308 //
1309 // for (int i = 1; i < ac + 1; i++) {
1310 // PN(i, 1) = Pkp1[i - 1];
1311 // }
1312 // for (int i = ac; i < 3*ac; i++) {
1313 // sigmaP(i - ac + 1, 1) = Pkp1[i];
1314 // }
1315 // PT.MatMul(mu_P, PN);
1316 // PT.Sub(1, 1, sigmaP);
1317 // for (int i = 1; i < 2*ac + 1; i++) {
1318 // Ptot(i, 1) = PT(i, 1);
1319 // }
1320 // for (int i = 2*ac + 1; i < 3*ac + 1; i++) {
1321 // Ptot(i, 1) = PN(i - (2*ac), 1);
1322 // }
1323 //
1324 // ptot.MatMul(Htot, Ptot);
1325 //
1326 // p_kp1(1) = ptot(1, 1);
1327 // p_kp1(2) = ptot(2, 1);
1328 // p_kp1(3) = ptot(3, 1);
1329  }
1331  // Updating: state actualization with the contribution of the contact impulse
1332 // NS.Vns_kp1 = vfree_kp1 + invMhat * p_kp1;
1333  NS.Vns_kp1 = vfree_kp1 + invMhat * NS.Piter;
1334  NS.Xns_kp1 = NS.Xns_k + (NS.Vns_kp1 * NS.theta_ts + NS.Vns_k* (1. - NS.theta_ts)) * NS.hstep;
1336  // Reaction force to be exchanged with the rest of the system in MBDYN
1337  NS.Lambda_kp1 = p_kp1 / NS.hstep - M_ns * (NS.Vns_kp1 - NS.Vns_k) / NS.hstep + NS.Lambda_k*(1. - NS.theta_ts);
1338  if (NS.bGravity) {
1339  NS.Lambda_kp1 += Fg;
1340  }
1341  NS.Lambda_kp1 /= -NS.theta_ts;
1343  // Store Output
1344  NS.ia = Ia.size();
1345  NS.pkp1 = p_kp1.Norm();
1346  NS.Poutput = p_kp1;
1348  // Indicatore di nuovo step, per evitare troppo output con bVerbose.
1349  bStepToggle = true;
1350 }
void mbdyn_siconos_LCP_call(int sizep, double W_NN[], double bLCP[], double Pkp1[], double wlem[], solver_parameters &solparam)
const Vec3 Zero3(0., 0., 0.)
Definition: matvec3.h:98
const Mat3x3 Eye3(1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.)
static FullMatrixHandler IRat
doublereal theta_ts
solver_parameters solparam
std::vector< plane > constr
static FullMatrixHandler IPa
doublereal radius_ns
doublereal gamma_pred
doublereal mass_ns
static const int omegan
static FullMatrixHandler IRa

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ModuleNonsmoothNode::Output ( OutputHandler OH) const

Reimplemented from ToBeOutput.

Definition at line 880 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References ToBeOutput::bToBeOutput(), NS_subsys::bVerbose, WithLabel::GetLabel(), NS_subsys::ia, solver_parameters::info, NS_subsys::Lambda_kp1, OutputHandler::Loadable(), NS_subsys::mu, NS_data, NS_subsys::pkp1, NS_subsys::Poutput, solver_parameters::processed_iterations, solver_parameters::resulting_error, NS_subsys::solparam, NS_subsys::Vns_kp1, and NS_subsys::Xns_kp1.

881 {
882  if (bToBeOutput()) {
883  std::ostream& out = OH.Loadable();
884  out << std::setw(8) << GetLabel()
885  << " " << NS_data.Poutput
886  << " " << NS_data.Xns_kp1
887  << " " << NS_data.Vns_kp1
888  << " " << NS_data.Lambda_kp1
889  << " " << NS_data.pkp1
890  << " " << NS_data.ia;
892  if (NS_data.bVerbose) {
893  out
894  << " " << NS_data.mu
895  << " " << NS_data.solparam.info
898  }
900  out << std::endl;
901  }
903  // TODO: use NetCDF?
904 }
virtual bool bToBeOutput(void) const
Definition: output.cc:890
solver_parameters solparam
std::ostream & Loadable(void) const
Definition: output.h:506
unsigned int GetLabel(void) const
Definition: withlab.cc:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & ModuleNonsmoothNode::Restart ( std::ostream &  out) const

Implements Elem.

Definition at line 839 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

840 {
841  return out << "# ModuleNonsmoothNode: not implemented" << std::endl;
842 }
void ModuleNonsmoothNode::SetValue ( DataManager pDM,
VectorHandler X,
VectorHandler XP,
SimulationEntity::Hints ph 

Reimplemented from SimulationEntity.

Definition at line 831 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References NO_OP.

834 {
835  NO_OP;
836 }
#define NO_OP
Definition: myassert.h:74
void ModuleNonsmoothNode::WorkSpaceDim ( integer piNumRows,
integer piNumCols 
) const

Implements Elem.

Definition at line 602 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

References ASSERT, NS_subsys::constraint_type, NS_data, POSITION_AND_VELOCITY, POSITION_ONLY, and VELOCITY_ONLY.

603 {
604  switch (NS_data.constraint_type) {
605  case POSITION_ONLY:
606  *piNumRows = 6;
607  *piNumCols = 6;
608  break;
610  case VELOCITY_ONLY:
611  *piNumRows = 6;
612  *piNumCols = 6;
613  break;
616  *piNumRows = 9;
617  *piNumCols = 9;
618  break;
620  default:
621  ASSERT(0);
622  }
623 }
Constraining constraint_type
#define ASSERT(expression)
Definition: colamd.c:977

Member Data Documentation

bool ModuleNonsmoothNode::bFrictional

Definition at line 135 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

Referenced by AssRes(), and ModuleNonsmoothNode().

bool ModuleNonsmoothNode::bStepToggle
int ModuleNonsmoothNode::iIter

Definition at line 138 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

Referenced by AfterConvergence(), and AssRes().

const DataManager* ModuleNonsmoothNode::m_pDM

Definition at line 120 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

Referenced by AssRes(), and ModuleNonsmoothNode().

const StructDispNode* ModuleNonsmoothNode::m_pNode
Vec3 ModuleNonsmoothNode::Mu

Definition at line 132 of file module-nonsmooth-node.cc.

Referenced by AssRes().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: